When you buy canned food, processed or prepared food, you can notice that there are other ingredients besides the main stuff. The other ingredients are called food additives. Food additives are substances that they put into the food to preserve the food or to make the food to look more attractive, to smell better and to be more tasty.The things they put in are preservative, antioxidant, stabilizer, emulsifier, and coloring and flavoring agents. The vitamin and mineral that they put into the food to increase their nutritional value are also called food additive. You usually can find them in grain products like enriched flour, enriched rice and pasta. Most of the grain product you can buy in US are enriched. The vitamin and mineral they usually put in are niacin, iron, vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid. Some of the drink and other food are also enriched. Examples are fortified milk and vitamin-added and mineral-added fruit juice. They usually put in calcium, vitamin A, C and D. There are other nutritional food additives such as sesame and honey.
While some of the food additives have nutritional value, most of them don't. There are three kinds of them. Naturally-ocurring food additive are uaually natural vegetation such as ginger, bay leaf, and licorice. You can find them in food such as ginger bread, ginger ale, stewed meat and some kind of Oriental food. They usually don't have toxin to human body, but do not consume too much of them. They are not food but spices. Some of them may have medical effect on your body. Semi-naturally-occurring food additive are additive that are extracted, and processed from natural source. Examples are vanilla, margarine, cola, and soy sauce. They don't usually hurt your body, but your body usually don't need them. Why should our body have to digest and process the food that our body do not need? Give your body system a break. Your body system have been working very hard for you every day.
Man-made food additive are additive that are made or synthesized by human from chemical. Some of the common man-made food additives are potassium lactate, blue 2, monosodium glutamate, and sodium bicarbonate. They usually are toxin to human body. They may do bodily harm and cause health problem if you consume too much of them. You can find potassium lactate in hot dog, bacon and sausage. Some of the Oriental food may contain monosodium glutamate. Most of the fruit-favored drink and some kind of prepared food may contain blue 2 and other food-coloring chemical. Sodium bicarbonate can usually be found in bread, biscuit and some kind of beverage. Some of the man-made food additive are outright detrimental. Saccharin are known for causing cancer. Nitrous acid can also cause cancer in the absence of vitamin C. Calcium carbonate can cause osteomalacia.
Most of the healthy food additive are naturally-occuring or semi-naturally-occuring.
Let me give you some examples. Olive oil can increase the good cholesterol and improve memory. Black pepper can help prevent some kind of carcinoma. Linseed can lower the bad cholesterol and lower the risk of getting breast cancer. Tomato sauce can lower the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. Horseradish sauce can help the liver to process toxin, thus lower the risk of getting carcinoma. Cinnamon can stabalize the glucose in the blood.
Most of the time I only buy fresh and natural food such as vegetable, fruit, meat and grain. Almost all the time I prepare my own meals. And I seldom eat junk food. They call them junk food because they have none or little nutritional value but have a lot of additives. IF you have to eat canned food, processed food or prepared food, make sure what is in there. You want to keep your body pure. Too much toxin and waste inside your body will prevent you to die naturally at your old age. That mean you will have pain and suffering later.