High in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level in your body is a major factor having certain kind of heart disease and stroke. It is for your benefit that you should lower your LDL cholesterol level as soon as possible. If you are in the high-cholesterol group, that does not mean that you can only eat bland food. In fact, the delicious salmon, the sweet berries, and even the red wine, can help to lower your bad cholesterol and improving your heart health. The next time you buy food, you might as well refer to the American Heart Association recommendation of the cholesterol-lowering food.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The study indicated that olive oil can increase the good cholesterol in your body, reduce artery-blocking porridge-like plaques. Plaque buildup will lead to heart disease and stroke.
Mung bean, lima bean, black beans, navy bean (also known as white bean), pinto bean and kidney bean contain a lot of fiber which can help lower bad cholesterol. Research shows that eating 5-10 grams of fiber a day can reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) 3% to 5%.
Oats and oat bran
High-fiber oats, which contains cholesterol-damaging β-poly glucose, is a soluble fiber which can impede the manufacture and absorption of bad cholesterol. At the same time, its water-soluble fiber can slow the effects of increased blood sugar after a meal to help the diabetics to control blood sugar.
Almond, hazelnut, the Inter-American pecan, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts are all rich in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, which have helped to lower cholesterol. And because nuts are high in calorie, eating about 1.5 ounces a day is more appropriate.
Phytosterol (Plant Sterol & Stanol)
Plant sterols are natural material presented in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds and other plant cell membranes. Daily you can eat some fortified foods to consume 2 grams of plant sterols, such as vegetable soft cream (or milk Marlene margarine), orange juice, salad dressing, etc., but these can only be applied to people with high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Salmon and OMEGA-3 fish oil
Salmon, sardines and anchovy are rich in OMEGA-3 fish oil which can reduce the risk of heart disease. They can also reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, reduce triglycerides (Triglycerides), to prevent blood clots and increase good cholesterol.
Appropriate amount of a drink of liquor (women drink less than a cup a day, men no more than two glasses of the amount) is beneficial to the heart, particularly of red wine with antioxidants nutrition fortifier.
Berries especially blueberries have an very strong antioxidant capacity, which can effectively help to reduce LDL cholesterol, but also no side-effects.
Grape juice and cranberry juice
Grape juice with antioxidants can slow oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Cranberry juice can increase good cholesterol. But only drink the 100% pure juice that we will not accidentally eat too much sugar presented in other kind of less-than-100%-pure juice.
Yogurt that contains viable or gastrointestinal health probiotics
Many studies pointed out that of live yogurt (yogurt that contain live active cultures) or gastrointestinal health probiotic (probiotics) can reduce LDL cholesterol, and prevent the blood vessels to re-absorb the cholesterol.
Linseed contains unsaturated fatty acid, especially Omega-3 linolic acid and water-soluable fibre. These substance can help lower your low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.